Symptoms of Autism/Asperger's Syndrome

The Top Ten
1 Inappropriate attachment to objects
2 Throwing tantrums

I had a lot of tantrums as a little kid. To be honest, I still kind of do

3 No eye contact

I don't like looking into the souls of people. That's all I have to say. Neither I want them looking into mine.

I hate eye contact anyway!

4 Apparent insensitivity to pain

And then there's me who's hypersensitive to pain.

5 Spins objects

I do this a lot.

6 Pretends to be alone

I'm still alone & I don't care!

7 May not want cuddling or act cuddly

I hate pats on the back, hugs, high-fives, handshakes, or anything of the like.

I love being cuddled.

I hate cuddling!

8 No real fear of dangers

Not true, especially because I also have anxiety.

9 Repeating words or phrases

I do this a lot unintentionally & I need serious help with this!

I also do this a lot.

10 Inappropriate laughing and giggling

Whenever I think of something funny, I laugh at it.

I do this all of the time.

The Contenders
11 Communicates effectively with most other autistic people but ineffectively with non-autistic people
12 Strong attention to detail
13 Brutally honest and transparent
14 Toe-walking
15 Stereotypic movements
16 Hypo or hyper-sensitivity
17 Difficulty understanding vague instruction
18 Difficulty understanding or making small talk
19 Difficulty understanding nonverbal communication
20 Fine motor problems
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