Top Ten Symptoms of Fake Depression

After a user very nicely pointed out on my list that collecting reasons why death is as good as life is fake depression, let's just think about the topic.
The Top Ten
1 They make a list about reasons death is as good as life

I hate fake depression. A lot of people from my school are making suicide into a trend, like saying "Tell me your final words for me before I die" and stuff like "I cut myself daily"

Hahaa, I am dying with laughter at your totally funny irony here, it's absolutely hilarious how much thought and effort went into making such an incredibly funny joke.

Maybe they were resurrected

We all know that by now

2 They tell everyone they have depression

These people only want to hear some positive words from the people they tell this about. Same as when somebody tells "I am so fat! " He/she only wants to hear that he's/she's not fat.

I know people who actually have depression because they also have social anxiety or OCD but they never say to everyone that they have depression. They mostly stay at their rooms a lot and I worried that they don’t usually talk to no one anymore that’s actually a real symptom of depression if a person starts get detach from friends or family.

I actually have depression, and the fakers annoy me.

Telling people you have deppresion does not make u not deppresed and a lot of people with deppresion are not getting help becouse they are afraid to talk obout it because of this.

3 They think cyberbullying is real

Depends on what you consider as cyberbullying. Of course if someone were to use an indecent pic of you and threaten or actually post it online for thousands to see, then yes, that would be actual cyberbullying as it would really affect your life. But those typical hate comments and arguments, get over it.

Only valid reason on this list and it's something that shouldn't even be applied to the concept, typical of you

They gather reasons to hate the world, so they come up with non-existing reasons.

4 They like to make stereotypes

Of course, if you make negative stereotypes, you have more to whine about. I.e. you say all women are greedy. Than you try to believe it. Than you can complain about women being too greedy. It's that easy to get people's attention.

5 Their profile picture is a grim reaper

Who would be interested about anyone with a grim reaper profile picture? They are "edgy" kids who want to seem special by always thinking about death

They're allowed to like a good cartoon

6 They think global warming is real

Same as they think cyberbullying is real. You probably go crazy because of this item, but let's realise: we are getting out of the small ice age lasting till the 16th century, so the whole climate change has little to do with people.

First of all, this has nothing to do with this topic. And second of all, I don't know what political side you're on, but global warming has been proven.

Oh yes because being smart means you are faking depression. Got to love how anti intellectual this list is.

What does this have to do with depression? Also, global warming is real. Why do people claim it’s fake besides faking depression?

7 They think this is a troll list

Alright, this list started off well, but it's obvious that this is just bait for us.

I really hope it is

8 They take drugs

If you take sleeping pills, you fake depression according to you

9 They vote or comment on this list

Who would even search for some internet content about fake depression? Who would click on a list like that? Someone who wants to know if his depression is real. And let's admit: if you have concerns about your depression being real, you don't have depression.

10 They always talk about death

They probably can't imagine what it is like to have real depression and they think the only thing people are sad about is death.

They might have terminal cancer

The Contenders
11 They appropriate depression as "aesthetic"
12 They watch sad edits of cartoons & anime
13 Their profile picture is a sad edited picture of a fictional character
14 Their username has something related to depression
15 Their avatars outfits are all black outfits with black hair and a sad face
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