Top Tens Reasons Why Horrid Henry Isn't that Horrid Actually

The Top Ten
1 He gets a lot of hate from the parents of HH fans
2 Peter is spoiled rotten

Peter is the reason Henry acts horrid. Everyone neglected Henry for Peter. Peter is a spoilt attention seeking brat.

3 His parents are nicer to Peter than they are nicer to him

True... I think Peter is a flippin' spoiled brat.
Henry's parents are such favoritists... smh

4 Henry's parents are mean to him
5 His parents hold a grudge against him for being a difficult baby
6 He can be nice to people

For example in Horrid Henry Trapped!, he saved Peter from getting hurt by some falling shelves. He really does care about Peter, but most of the time he's in denial.

7 Henry has life a well
8 His parents are incapable of being nice to him
9 He always gets told off
10 Peter is mean as well

In Some episodes

The Contenders
11 Rude Ralph
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