Top Tens Things School Taught You That Were Not True

The Top Ten
1 Humans evolved from chimpanzees

No, we and them split off about 7 million years ago. Then, we came from Australopithecus, and about half a million years ago the sibling groups Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens came on the scene. Then not long before the Neolithic revolution, the sapiens humans finally absorbed the neanderthalensis and a few other archaic human groups.

We're related, but we never evolved from them.
We evolved from a Homo Specimen I think.

2 Diamonds are made from coal

Coal isn't pure carbon.

3 There were 13 original colonies in America
4 Abraham Lincoln was strongly opposed to slavery
5 There are three states of matter

There are 4. Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma.

There are at least 10 states.

6 Donkeys are dumb animals

Who taught you donkeys are dumb animals

7 Christopher Columbus is the first European To Discover America
8 The Titanic is the biggest boat ever built
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