Top Ten Theories About Avengers: Endgame

The Top Ten
1 Time Travel

Spoiler this is correct.

2 Someone will be Sacrificed
3 Thanos has an Army of the dead Avengers
4 Loki isn't dead
5 Goose the cat from Captain Marvel is going to save everybody

This one should be cannon

6 Gamora gets resurrected and saves everyone
7 Shuri makes a new Vision
8 The Avengers lose
9 Thanos gets tricked into the Quantum Realm
10 Loki was pretending to be Bruce Banner the whole time
The Contenders
11 Iron Man Dies
12 Thanos winning in Infinity War was an illusion created by the reality stone
13 Hawkeye gives up being Hawkeye and, after turning into Ronin, passes the role of Hawkeye on to someone else
14 Ant-Man Kills Thanos by Entering His Mouth
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