Top TheTopTens Username Jokes


I have reached 30 followers today I'm making this 30 follower special list. Since keyson is the only one that signed up, I'm just making random jokes of people who didn't sign up.

NOTE: This list isn't for bullying anyone, I'm not responsible for any damage. Also, sorry if I didn't include you're name. You can add it under the top tens.
The Top Ten
1 Mumbizz01, is your mom bizzing in the garden?

Yep, my mom is a bee.

2 EpicJake, so your name is Epic Jake.. Then show us some cool tricks you can think of.
3 Horrible_Username, are you saying your username is horrible? Well, it is horrible.
4 GoldenRocket, so you created a golden rocket for NASA? Then can I inside it to go to Mars?
5 TOPTENBLOGPOSTFAN, so you're obsessed with blogs you're saying?
6 SevenLizards, do you have a group of lizards in your house? I feel really bad for you.
7 Wolftail, are you a wolf with a tail with a computer?
8 Turkeyasylum, are you really a turkey? If you are, then can I eat you?
9 -_-, is that your real life look, or are you born with it?
10 Garythesnail, are you really Gary The Snail? Then congrats!

Not really, but he is wothout a doubt on of my favorite SpongeBob characters.

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