Top 10 TheTopTens Users Who Love the Lord of the Rings

Here's a list of users you never knew were fans of the epic fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings.
The Top Ten
1 SYLFan1234

Sorry for putting myself at number 1 but I really do adore the story. I have a lot of Tolkien related lists I've made.

2 IronSabbathPriest

He made lists of how different the Lord of the Rings/Hobbit books were from the movies.

3 Skullkid755

He made a list of best things about Tolkien.

4 Brobusky

He remixed the list of best Lord of the Rings characters.

5 PositronWildhawk
6 EvilAngel

He placed The Return of the King as number 1 on his remix of Best Movies of All Time.

7 VideoGamefan5

He likes Lord of the Rings (though it was kinda stupid of him to compare Return of the King to Fifty Shades of Grey. Just saying).

8 Aragorn98

One of the characters is in my username.

9 RalphBob
10 zxm

He has the entire LOTR trilogy in his Best Movies of All Time remix.

The Contenders
11 Rambles

He put Tolkien in the number 1 spot on his list of Most Influential Fantasy Authors.

12 jack2244
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