Top Ten TheTopTens Users Who Should Do the Bean Boozled Challenge

The Bean Boozled challenge is a game where you eat a jellybean. There are two different jellybeans or each color, one good and one bad (For example, puke and peach). So, yeah. Who do you think should do it?
The Top Ten
1 PositronWildhawk

In response to that speculation, I actually like the grass ones. I should be fine if the bad one was grass. But not if the "good" one was coconut.

I really don't know if he likes jellybeans or not (or of ANY of the users on here do), but I'd love to see how he would react to bad flavors.

Positron Wild Hawk would get the good jelly beans

2 Britgirl
3 Garythesnail
4 Therandom
5 Puga

If I get the opportunity, I'll post a YouTube video bout it.

Is it harmful for dogs?

6 keycha1n

Knowing her taste for candy, I doubt she could resist.

7 PetSounds

I don't like jelly beans, which would guarantee a reaction either way.

8 LizardKing99
9 Keyson

Maybe him and Tina could do it together!

10 Delgia2k

Wow, I thought I was the only one who knew about bean boozled, I tried the challenge and I actually puked when I tried the skunk spray. I almost did as well in rotten egg. Toothpaste was probably the only bad one I could handle, but tutti frutti and berry blue were tasty

The Contenders
11 DapperPickle
12 JaysTop10List

I'm doing it... For real...

13 Turkeyasylum

In response to this... I might do it if I can find the beans anywhere...

14 PikachuLover1

You suck PikachuLover1 anyone loves pikachu MUST BE EXECUTED!

15 PrincessKiana
16 RalphBob

Been there. Done that.

17 Mumbizz01

As of right now, I'm doing it. The barf taste DISGUSTING!

18 Purpleyoshi98
19 Catacorn
20 Jackal2272
21 Hotheart123

Adding myself because I would like to do this again

22 Mariomaster63
23 _Jack_
24 CrispyDuck
25 ModernSpongeBobSucks
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