Top 10 TheTopTens Users You Want to Follow You

The Top Ten
1 admin

Admin can follow you. He's following me.

But I'm not sure if he can.

2 PositronWildhawk

Friendly and follows a lot of people. He votes, comments, and remixes a lot of lists as well! Great member!

This Guy Is Amazing. I Would LOVE For Him To Just Vote On This List. It would be a great achievement for me.

Finally! Positronwildhawk viewed my list, and he followed me! Thanks Positronwildhawk!

3 Britgirl

She is just amazing as Positronwildhawk. Great Remixes Too! I wonder every day if any famous TopTenner would follow me.

She is the greatest user along with PositronWildhawk.

4 PatrickStar

Great Remixes, Great Comments, Great Lists, Awesome Dude.

5 TopTenJackson

I Came up with this list from 1 of his.

6 SevenLizards

This Guy Is Pretty Famous, And Guess What? He Recently Followed Me And I Love That. Big achievement.

7 PrincipeAzul
8 EpicJake
9 cosmo

Cosmo is awesome! After a little "argument" he followed me. And then I learned a lesson. Thanks Cosmo!

10 Wanda
The Contenders
11 Puga
12 JaysTop10List
13 CartoonsGirl
14 MsWiseguy
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