Top Ten TheTopTens Users You'd Like to Vote On Your Lists

The Top Ten
1 PositronWildhawk

He didn't technically vote on any of my lists, but on one of them he did submit an entree and put in a comment.

He was the first comment on my first list ever. Such an honor.

He voted on one of my lists.

Consider the vote cast.

2 Britgirl

She votes on my lists sometimes.

3 Kiteretsunu
4 Funnyuser
5 PetSounds
6 Keyson
7 NerdyPweeps
8 PatrickStar
9 Spongebobgymnast
10 GaryTheSnail
The Contenders
11 Metal_Treasure
12 Ananya
13 htoutlaws2012

That would be quite an honor, am I right?

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