Top Ten Best Things About the Beatles

The Top Ten
1 The legacy they left us
2 The catchy rhythms in their songs
3 John, Paul, George, and Ringo's amazing personalities
4 Their experimental career in music

They honestly helped open up doors to many genres and allowed them to become accepted in the mainstream. We owe a lot to the Beatles

Face it, there's more to Revolution 9 than meets the ear.

5 The fact the members are so nice it's sad to see them go
6 Their skills at singing
7 Their skills at instruments
8 Epic music
9 Super funny
10 Their awesome movies and documentaries
The Contenders
11 They're inspiring
12 They continued to make music after they broke up
13 Their history is fun to learn
14 Even after beatlemania, their music got even better
15 The amazing albums they released

In the end, it's all about the music.

16 They branched out from romantic songs to other more unique types
17 They weren't pretenders - the Beatles acted as who they were in interviews
18 The creativity in their music
19 They competed neck to neck with stars like Elvis
20 They're creative
21 They had the music and the good looks
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