Best Things About Bernie Sanders

Along with my lists about Trump and Clinton, here is a list of my favorite traits in Bernie Sanders
The Top Ten
1 He is anti-establishment
2 He is not a liar

Both Trump and Clinton are to some extent, liars.

3 He always fights until the last second
4 He is open about his socialism

OK, maybe most of the American people do not want a socialist president, but he is open about all his views.

5 He had the guts to run against Clinton

Some backbencher from NH vs. former First Lady, Secretary of State. The race should never have been close.

6 He wants to make college education free
7 He stands up for millennials

Even though he is 50 years older than they are.

8 He gave Hillary a run for her money
9 He knows how to make people enthusiastic
10 He stands up for what he believes in
The Contenders
11 He supports gay marriage
12 He is Jewish
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