Top 10 Best Things About Drawing

Howdy everyone, today we are talking about drawing. I have been drawing for many years. I have learned a lot about drawing, and I appreciate many things about it and positive qualities drawing has will be discussed in this list. If you want to start drawing, it's not too late, and I promise you that it will be quite enjoyable and it can help you at certain times of your life.
The Top Ten
1 It helps you when you're depressed

When you're depressed, drawing can really help you. See, when you are depressed, it's because you are lacking brain chemicals such as Serotonin, Endorphins, Dopamine, and Norepinephrine, or as I like to call them, the 4 happiness chemicals. It releases those chemicals and it's therapeutic and puts you at ease. It also helps with stress and anxiety. Overall drawing is just great for your mental health. I promise you that you can get through this.

Yes, circles make me not depressed.

2 You can make money from it

Jobs related to art are definitely dream jobs of mine, and it's a fantastic way to express yourself and make money from it. For example, you can be an animator or people could commission you for a piece of artwork. I think that is absolutely amazing since I love drawing and I absolutely love the fact that I can make money off of it.

People will definitely buy my circles.

3 It boosts self-esteem

When you draw something that your proud of you will be more confident to yourself and your abilities causing you to respect yourself more. This is a good way to boost your self-esteem, and if you think your art is bad, just remember that no one is an amazing artist from the second that they are born. It just takes time to improve on your drawing skills and I learned that myself over time.

I am proud of my circles, stick figures, and horribly made 3-D shapes.

4 It's fun

I always found drawing fun and you will probably have fun drawing no matter how old you are. You don't have to be one of the greatest artists of all time, you're just having fun, and at the end of the day, isn't that all that matters?

It is definitely fun to draw circles and stick figures.

5 It boosts creativity

Although my character designs are a bit too simple for most internet artists, I can still draw just fine. I usually draw objects and rooms a lot better. I remember a deviantart artists telling me that people who draw with abstract art can't even draw at all, and that's just wrong. Creativity is everything when it comes to drawing.

You use your imagination when you draw and it makes you use your artistic skills to draw anything you want such as characters. This will be beneficial to the development of a person's brain.

6 It is a good way to express yourself

You could draw what's on your mind, or you could draw how you're feeling. It's just a very creative way to express yourself.

I express myself through circles.

7 It's accessible

You can do it online and there's millions of different drawing software on your phone, computer, and other devices. You can also just draw with paper and pencil. I personally prefer traditional drawing, but both are good.

You can draw anyplace anywhere anytime.

8 It improves hand-eye coordination
9 You can share your drawings with other people

There's many art communities on the internet where you can share your drawings for entertainment, constructive criticism, or whatever reason you're posting it there unless you don't have internet at the moment but you can just show it to someone in real life. I think that's cool.

People definitely want to see my circles.

10 Teaches you manual skills
The Contenders
11 You can draw anything

You can draw animals, landscapes, people, anything you want as long as its not illegal things such as NSFW content of a minor. Just don't do that. As long as the things you draw aren't immoral and unlawful then I am not going to have an issue with it. If you look around there's ideas everywhere. Unfortunately, you could have artist's block sometimes though.

I really like drawing pictures of cute, furry animals, landscapes, fictional character OCs, sometimes South Park characters, etc.
It's cool how you can use your imagination to draw whatever you want.

12 You could be an animator
13 You don’t need skills

I call BS. first-time drawers are going to have a really rough time drawing things, they will experience artist's block the most and they may not sketch what they want to do first or use references to become inspired. you can only continue with drawing in order to become more skilled.

14 It alleviates boredom
15 It can help build a reputation
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