Top 10 Things About Fake People

The Top Ten
1 They Judge Things Depending on the Outside
2 They Do Nothing
3 They Tend to Be Hypocrites

Yes, but every person in the world is a hypocrite.

4 They're Made of Plastic

Um no assuming you mean people who bah ave in a superficial way they are still made of the same flesh and blood as us.

5 They Break Rules
6 They Don't Know Differences Between Anything
7 They Trust Rumors
8 They Tend to Be Backstabbers
9 They Haven't Heard About Much
10 They Don't Know Much About Society
The Contenders
11 They Think Justin Bieber is the Worst Person of All Time

Compared to Hitler?

12 They Think Metal is Just Screaming About Satan


13 They Ditch Their Friends to Follow the “popular” Group
14 They're Narcissistic
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