Best Things About the Soviet Union

Soviet Union was truly an amazing republic, in its short history, it made a huge impact on the entire human race.
The Top Ten
1 Its Military

There is this kid in my school and he has a Soviet Union collection. He was wearing a jacket with the Soviet Union symbol on it and he also has some clothes with Russian writing on them. He even dresses up as a Soviet soldier sometimes.

They were the biggest contributors to the fall of the Nazis. Without them, the Axis could have grown stronger. But thankfully, that didn't happen.

Its military never surrendered, it fought in St Petersburg for 800 days and Stalingrad for 297 days, In the 80s, its military was arguably the world's strongest.

And the Americans like to think their military is the strongest. Oh, how ignorant they are.

2 Its Cities

Beautiful cities like Moscow, Perm, Vladivostok ware better to live in than the modern day suburbs

3 Its Size

It had 22,402,200 square kilometers & 8,649,500 square miles, known as Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), It is bigger than Pluto, it is almost size of Mercury, sadly it collapsed due to nations releasing from it.

People sadlt associate the Svoiet Union with evil because they were the United State's enemies from the Cold War up to the collapse of the Soviets. But its sheer size is enough to show that they were a global power back then. In my opinion, being able to conrol so much land for 75 years (although much of it is part of icy Siberia) has to take lots of unity.

It was by far the largest country of that time, it was also almost the size of Mercury and was way larger than Pluto, It was never successfully invaded, if the Nazis would have successfully invaded it, then the Axis would have won the war.

Let me tell you, with its sheer size alone and how it can control all that much land for even 75 yeas comes to show that they are greater than the U.S.

4 Its Space Agency

If the Soviet would not have modified Nazi ballistic missiles and turned them into Space shuttles, then nothing like satellites would have existed meaning no Mobile Phones, Weather forecast and our knowledge about the cosmos would have been very limited.

Its space program, while not as advanced as the U.S. 's, is still very impressive.

5 Its People
6 Socialism

Free healthcare and secondary education (as long as you got good grades) as well as inexpensive food and clothes. Thank you for putting Socialism instead of Communism as it wasn't the latter, by the way.

"Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days."

7 Its Economy

Quite interesting:

An economist in the Soviet union called Nikolai Kondratiev made observations about economic waves. Kondratiev claimed that economic crysises are appearing in cycles. In 1925 he wrote his observations in a book "The Major Economic Cycles".
It is argumentative, how the Kondratiev waves are working or not.

The Soviet Union had the best economy in the sense that it was the best at having the worst economy.

8 Its Nuclear Warhead Stockpile

Such awesome and peaceful things, those nukes!

9 Its Government
10 They Helped Defeat Hitler

And the Americans think they were the only ones to help.

The Contenders
11 Its Diversity

Its people were Belorussians, Kazakhs, Ukrainians and Russians mostly but they were living like brothers in one nation.

12 The Anthem

Just go listen to it and you will know. I stand against the Soviet Union and the terrible things they did, but damn if they don't have a powerful song.

The best national anthem

13 Purges
14 The Music
15 Technology
16 Tetris

Better Believe it

17 Chess Players
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