Best Things About TheTopTens User Gemcloben

The Top Ten
1 He has actual taste in music

Not really, he believes that Michael Jackson is better than The Beatles, which is purely ridiculous.

He does. Loves Metallica, loves Iron Maiden, loves pretty much all my favourite bands.

Yes! He and I have a lot in common music wise.

Thanks for this list!

2 He is very nice

He's not VERY nice. But that's not a bad thing.

He's a great friend! Glad to know him.

3 You can message him about anything

I'm a very random person, and just talking to him about random things, I know we are going to be great friends!

4 His TheTopTens big brother blog series
5 He has good blog series
6 His autobiography
7 His member score is high

He's a lot higher than me.

8 His lists

I rather enjoy reading his lists.

9 He was the second person to join user of the month
10 He'll give people criticism

Yep, criticism is definitely something most users need.

The Contenders
11 His user name

Only positronwildhawk knows what it means

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