Top Ten Things to Always Remember in Life

The Top Ten
1 Life is unfair, not everything will go your way

This is one of the most important things to learn in conjunction with another important lesson. If things don't go your way, try keeping your chin up and pushing past, this may not always work, but it gives the chance at least

Even though it bloody sucked as hell, what can you do about it?!

2 You’re special and unique in your own way, some people just can’t see it.

Yes and I cannot stress enough that everybody is different in so many ways and that people should appreciate and respect that!

3 What you tell yourself is what you become, make sure it’s positive
4 Be a buddy, not a bystander
5 Positivity is something that will always help you get through
6 Don’t run away from your problems, it only creates more of them
7 Good things come to those who work hard and wait for the results

I work hard on my posts and they aren’t good things, but a lot of other people make amazing content like the creator of this list.

8 You are never alone
9 Don’t expect others to take responsibility for your actions
10 True friends stick with you, support you, and accept you for you

My friends on TheTopTens do that! They allow me to annoy them with my worthless message!

The Contenders
11 Popularity won’t get you anywhere near happiness

What I meant here is true happiness, not just happiness. Yes it will make you feel good, but it won’t guarantee pure happiness

12 You don't have to have kids
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