Top 10 Things to Ask a Writer

Looking for questions that generally don't bother us? Here.
The Top Ten
1 How was your day?

Writers are people too!

2 Can I read it?

Yes. My profile has a link that may or may not work.

3 What's the genre?
4 What moment was the most fun to write?
5 What inspired you?

Wings of Fire. Also, in some ways, my life.

EDIT: I reread Harry Potter. My first fantasy series, which I started at five or six (I was always a reader), had an influence too.

6 Favorite characters?

Besides my "second self", Nira, Ash, and Nick. Now, the third one annoys me, but that's why he's great. I tried to make his start-of-story self unlikeable. Note that it's his first few chapters.

7 Why did the story go that way?

It shaped itself.

8 When did you start writing?
9 Why did you start?

My friend was a writer. How did he start? I have no godsmacken idea.

No idea actually

10 How do you name characters?

Finding sounds that fit, and then names for the sounds. I'm unique.

The Contenders
11 How many subplots should a book have?

Not too many. Not too few to have a believable story, but not so many the book is crowded. I'd say 1-3.

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