Top 10 Things That Can Happen If TheTopTens Hits 2 Million Lists

The Top Ten
1 No more list ideas

You can still make "Best ways to celebrate 2 million lists on TheTopTens"

It's ok,I can still make tons of lists related to homestuck and steven universe.

They might run out before then

That would suck. :/

2 Useless lists

Seems we have some of these

3 1 million dead users

There aren't even a million users

4 "How to fap to" lists
5 Lists on lists on lists

Oh man, these could go on and on.

6 New ugly theme
7 More inaccurate lists
8 All the famous users right now quit

I'm curious to what the future has, what new users will join?

I can't wait for that day

9 TheTopTens shuts down

I wouldnmt be suprised if it did, to be honest. Not like I would like that.

10 TheTopTens improves

I am not much of a fan of new experiences

We could only hope.

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