Top Ten Things That Can Irritate an 8th Grader

Well what do you think that can annoy a 8 th grader
The Top Ten
1 Classmates talking about pop bands and saying rock is bad

I heard someone said that and it didn't really irritate me that much because I'm pretty diverse when it comes to music. People have they're likes and dislikes in music.

Most of the time, they give the stupidest of reasons when you ask them.

Randomly, I listen to both pop and rock music.

I don't wanna hear about that "pop trash".

2 Classmates who call you a names for knowing about a lot of things

It is very hard to understand why many people think it is fashionable to be dumb.

3 Extra school hours

Back in fifth grade I heard a something about them increasing school hours because some girl in Chicago wanted to staying in school for more hours.

4 Classes on sundays

Well what do ya think

5 Strict teachers

There are few teacher who literally don't answer your questions

This annoys students of ALL grades, not just 8th graders.

Don't have them. I have my teachers once they are strict.

6 Stupid rumours

I face that everyday

7 Lesser holidays

You can make a holiday by organizing a schoolwide student boycott.

I would cry if that would happen

8 Homework on weekends

It happens very often

9 Classmates that scream in class and blame you for the noise

Welcom to the jungle (classroom ),we got fun and monkeys (classmates who are bad )

10 6th and 7th Graders
The Contenders
11 Classmates who hate rock or metal

Yet again, most of them hate it either for the sake of hating it or that they have the stupidest of reasons.

Out of 35,20 people say rock is craznocks and it's very sad to hear this

12 Special Ed

Because it's useless! We go there for no reason and learn nothing at all!

13 Classmates who spread rumours

Especially if they think you are gay even though you didn't say you were at all.

14 Having to be in a play and be a character that is a couple
15 Juuling
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