Top Ten Things that Contribute to Making a TopTenner Popular

The Top Ten
1 Kindness

Well... there also is a old phrase known as nice guy/girl finishes last though sometimes not sure why that is.

I love it when toptenners are kind. Many popular TTT users areknown for their kindness


I think people don't really follow a user based on their comments, but I think it's a big part of being a good user. Some people make really good funny comments and some people have good song reviews, I just love comments!

Write a lot of comments, and try not to be rue with them. A thumbs up on a comment is one of the best feeling you get here, so try to get a whole ton by writing long and many comments.

Yeah just as long they aren't all literally one word choices then we need to talk.

3 Lists

Depends. If you have good, funny, or interesting lists, it does help make you a good user. If you make repetitive content but have a lot of lists, that doesn't necessarily make you good.

You could you make a list without putting detail, but then there's recycled similar lists where have no effort, but throw it out there success-ish? Your better off putting effort onto a list.

Most important. "TheTopTens" titles indicates this. But contribution for popularity isn't very good.

Make lots of lists and eventually people will click the name above the lis.t

4 Quality

Doesn't matter if this is about your lists, comments, or posts. The higher quality, the more popular it could be. People take more time to read a detailed explanation on how you love something than a simple "this is cool."

To me, a good quality list is unlike any other existing list and it has explanation to back up each item. I feel that both are being lacked though because you’d almost be lucky now to find lists that aren’t fairly similar to one another and most of the time on fact lists, nobody backs up any of the items which is definitely a major turn off for me.

Means nothing for my lists. My high quality list get no more traffic, thumbs, comments, or participation of any kind over my lazy lists.

This could go in two ways of you're hard work, and the person you truly are revealed.

5 Messaging

Surprised this ain't number one if your firm, and get the sense you can communicate with someone who you try to come close to eventually its like meeting a secret family member in a nutshell.

Let me explain: Being nice goes from commenting, to lists to messaging, but writing messages makes you known amongst our community

6 Being Different

You can't be someone whoi people pay attention to if you're another user in the crowd. Be different from the others and you'll soon be noticed

Yes be the personality you want to be imitation is the form of flattery, but the antonym of that quote.

7 Reply to Posts on Lots of Things

Especially the Rate Games. If you comment on those, which are visited a lot, people will see you.

Also reply to a lot of those who comment on lists just for the heck of it.

8 Have a Favorite Users List on Your Profile

This is personal experience here. If you/ or someone sees you with your / their name on the list, you'll/they'll message you.

This can no longer be seen to the public its more less a setting you can only see in the menu of your profile.

9 Write a Lot of Blog Posts.

I make posts a lot. Some days I do 0, but some days I make 2 or 3, and most days I make 1. I kind of wish I was a popular Toptenner, not to seem like a selfish annoying person.

You could write a singular, or a series to grab that audience to entertain in the most understandable efforts.

Especially on popular lists, just make sure they're HQ so they show up

10 Have a Lot of Stuff on Your Profile

People will get to know you and message you by looking at your interests. If you have copy paste stuff, put the interesting things, or maybe the ones that sshow your care for someone's loss. Tose ones are really nice and the person who had the loss will feel better about it.

Short, and sweet is the way I like it, but majority love to have long profiles of various things which is okay I have no problem with it either.

Oh, so my 10 year long description is fine? Yay!

The Contenders
11 Personality
12 Hard Work
13 Dedication
14 Repetitiveness
15 Outgoing
16 Self-Discipline
17 Allure
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