Top Ten Things That Could Happen to Us After Death

The Top Ten
1 Total nothingness

I heard that you consciousness has out of body experiences after you die and that your consciousness can move around. There is no such thing as nothing because you can't experience nothing. The only time when there was nothing was before you were born. After you die there has to be something in my opinion.

Don't worry. You're not gonna be like this after death. Quantum Physics proves that the consciousness is moveable, going to another place. This can make outside body experiences happen (like heaven). You only lose your body, and you wouldn't want it back because it's probably decomposing.

2 You realize you were only sleeping in a superior world, and the experiences in this world were just one long dream

This would be brilliant, even better than Heaven. (Sorry Christians)
Our life on stupid earth and the other planets with just bugs in the Milky Way, the sun which either killed someone with skin cancer and wake up in a superior world or just fun in the sun. The moon people think it was hoax. People thought the earth was flat even though it was debunked in ancient history.
But how BIG would this superior world be well it would have to be gigantic to be a superior world. Bigger than Heaven.
We could be snoring right now 24/7 in a superior bedroom when we pop our clogs we will awaken and my first word would be BINGO!

3 Rebirth

Reincarnation is what happens when you die. Some kids have actually remembered their past lives, and the things they got right were eerily similar. Their is no heaven or hell, there is no afterlife, there is no eternal dream, and there is no "total nothingness."

I believe that when people die, they are reincarnated. They go inside an other child's mind, but they have no idea who they were before.

This will actually happen, and then we will never die, YES!

4 Go to heaven
5 Eternal dream

You can dream your last living second forever. Because the time loses its sense, our brain can't perceive it passing by. So either the end of the universe and beyond happens infinitely fast OR our mind pauses time for us.

After death (like sleep), you start dreaming (forever).

6 Live in the world of black holes

I want to get transferred to a parallel universe, getting born again as the same person, living the same life again, with erased memories after death, because I got some of my skin covered with unknown kind of bugs after I woke up, my skin feels so uncomfortable imagine how unknown bugs covered some of my skin.

Black holes are areas usually in the center of galaxies that have a strong amount of gravity suck up the rest of the galaxy and ripping it to shreds.

Black Holes are very mysterious. It is here, where all physical laws breakdown. Maybe, all spirits resided in this singularity.

7 Get transferred to a parallel universe, getting born again as the same person, living the same life again, with erased memories

Scientifically, this isn't possible. Scientists like Albert Einstein have proven that time travel is possible for matter (if conciousness is matter), but only to the future. But then again, you'd need a wormhole or bend the space-time continuum or something, which humans won't be able to do long after Earth is gone. Hey, at least afterlife in heaven has been sort of proven.

This is what I think happens except a bit different. I believe we die and we're dead, but the whole world starts again at one point so it's just a continuous cycle of living the exact same lives I mean we might have lived this life with the exact same everything a few times. If you don't understand the same thing happens on Futurama's last episode.

8 Realize that you were only playing a role-playing-game in a superior world

Pretty similar to the first option.

9 Become a ghost

Just think about it. Being forgotten, walking along in the street knowing no one can see you, or hear you, or feel you. Cut off from the rest of the world, watching time go past and knowing your time is already up and living that way forever.

10 Eternal Peace
The Contenders
11 Become a star

It means become a star in the sky.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Hmm... I think this would be what Justin Bieber would hope for...

12 Reliving your best moments in life forever without any memory of reliving them over and over
13 You are reincarnated onto the planet in another galaxy where the dinosaurs were reincarnated to.
14 Go to hell

Why would you want to go to Hell, Hell is the worst place you can go to after you die, in Hell, you suffer and burn for eternity, you see the wicked, the devil, and demons, who would want that? I wouldn't

15 Pain
16 Become an angel in heaven
17 Rebirthed as an Alien
18 Possess another person's body
19 You realize death is an illusion
20 Conscience uploaded to computer, but with taxes involved
21 You're buried six feet underground
22 Tortured souls
23 You get buried and everyone forgets about you
24 You get transported to a cartoon world
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