Top Ten Things to Do to a Bully

The Top Ten
1 Beat them up
2 Insult them

"Was that supposed to be a failed attempt of an insult? "

3 Nuke their house

For this you need a permission card from your parent's so you can nuke your friend house and you can get it from... My pants

4 Stone them

Isn't marijuana illegal?

With rocks or drugs?

Load the wagon

5 Create a concentration camp for them

This is a bit too extreme. Awesome. But extreme.

I love this list lol

6 Torture them

If they don't die

7 Steal all their stuff

Lol get robbed noob

8 Let them hear Justin Bieber

Nuke their house by playing Baby

Do this while stoning them!

9 Tell the teacher

No thanks. I'd rather nuke them.

10 Whack them with a frying pan
The Contenders
11 Feed them to the Titans (Attack on Titan)
12 Send them into Teen Titans Go
13 Tie them up & force them to watch Mean Girls 2
14 Force them to listen to Stupid Hoe
15 Burn them at the stake
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