Top Ten Best Things to Do for a Friend

Special thanks to the wonderful user LizardKing99 for helping me with this list!
The Top Ten
1 Be There For Them

It's what friends are for.

2 Love them

I love my friends so much!

3 Be Loyal

Mess with one of my friends (unless he/she is being a jerk) and you're messing with me.

Loyalty is very important, its not that you don't know, its just that you aren't.

My friends are all loyal to each other. Hurt them and your messing with me.

That's what I always do. That's an important part in friendship.

4 Defend Them
5 Be Nice To Them

A true friend is always nice to his friends.

6 Help Them

They help me with video games. I help them with school work

Good list! All these items are very true.

I'll never let my friends down.

7 Spend Time With Them
8 Open Up to Them
9 Trust Them
10 Be Yourself
The Contenders
11 Hug Them
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