Top Ten Things to Do If You Could Time Travel to the 1910s

All aboard, Whether this is where you start or where you ended, this is the last list in the series. It has been a wonderful run with you intrepid time travelers till we meet again, adieu.
The Top Ten
1 Stop the Titanic from Sinking

Yes, do it. Study this then go back to 1912 on the Titanic with your binoculars and steer it away from the iceberg.

2 Watch the 1912 Olympics
3 Prevent Archduke Franz Ferdinand from Being Shot
4 Fight In World War I

Or prevent it

5 Kill Hitler

I heard he fought in World War I. If you saw him at the battlefield, try to kill him so that WW2 and the Holocaust May have been prevented.

6 Participate In the 1914 Christmas Truce
7 Participate In the U.S. Women's Suffrage Movement
8 Meet Woodrow Wilson
9 Meet Lawrence of Arabia
10 Participate In Prohibition in the U.S.
The Contenders
11 Participate in the Russian Revolution
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