Top Ten Things to Do If You Only Have 5 Minutes to Live

The Top Ten
1 Sit and talk with your family
2 Cry
3 Hug random girls
4 Do a fart-off with your friend(s)

My mother tells me it's no ladylike to do this...doesn't mean I can't laugh when someone else lets rip though. Haha. I'm sorry! Fart is such a funny word!

5 Meditate
6 Play on your computer
7 Chat up a girl

Would I have time to take lessons? I've never done this before...

8 Listen to music you never gave a chance

I am NOT going to waste the last few minutes I have listening to chamber music! Uh-uh. No way. No how. No Siree!

9 Tell your secret crush how much you actually love them
10 Eat something you hate

I will never eat another tomato for as long as I live!

The Contenders
11 Sleep
12 Eat as much food as possible
13 Go on a killing spree
14 Chase your dog/cat around the house, or vice versa
15 Meet the admins of TheTopTens
16 Make troll lists on TheTopTens
17 Taking a heroin fix
18 DDoS a website
19 Hack a website and leak everyone's passwords
20 Hug random boys
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