Top Ten Things to Do to Mr. Krabs If You Meet Him

If you hate him, these are the stuff you can do to him.
The Top Ten
1 Take All His Money

If he only cares about that instead of anything else, that would be the best way to make him suffer, then give all the money to pearl.

Hell yeah! It's what he deserves for being too greedy for his own good.

This is probably the only thing on the list that would bother him.

2 Flush His Money Down The Toilet
3 Have Rainbow Dash Call Mr. Krabs An Egghead
4 Beat Him Up Very Badly

Actually, him getting beaten up is laughable. You see? Funny is meant for things that are pleasantly humorous. But laughable is meant for things that bring unpleasant humor.

If you ask me, I no longer like funny things. And so, I prefer laughable things depending on what they are.

When I mean laughable, I mean humorous in a contemptuous way. And sicne I have contempt for Mr. krabs, I'd laugh nastily at him if he dies painfully.

Getting him beat up is funny

5 Have Gidget From The Secret Life Of Pets Beat Up Mr. Krabs Until He Dies
6 Kill Him With a Long, Very Sharp Knife

This list is pure evil how could you monsters say and want to do these vile unforgivable things remove this list now or I'll call the police on you

I wouldn't murder him I would scold him for how harsh he is to mr krabs because he is mean but murder is always wrong

Thanks for this list. I hate Mr.Krabs

That's what I'd really like to see.

7 Slice His Head Off With a Sword

Firewolf5, I'm glad that you want Mr. Krabs dead as much as I do. But could you not put "Lol" in your anti-Krabs post? My kinds of Mr. Krabs haters don't use humorous abbreviations.

I would be like " time to die " then say " howl firewolf " then the sword will turn into fire and cut his head off. Lol.

Yeah, and use a chainsaw so his blood splatters everywhere!

8 Dismember His Body Parts, Stick His Remains Through a Meat Grinder, Cook Them, and Eat Them
9 Boil Him in Water

Like the extremely greedy crustacean he is.

But he can be in water...

10 Cook Him

I bet that he'd make a tasty meal for his haters. If he's a main course, that would likely be more interesting.

"I wish I was steamed" - Mr. Krabs and it came true!

Sounds delicious.

The Contenders
11 Chop Off His Head and Stuff It in a Blender
12 Force Him to Play Bubsy 3D

That's too silly of an idea. How can that torture Mr. Krabs?

13 Poison Him

You go, my fellow hater of Mr. Krabs! I want that to happen to him because of his extreme greed.

I would put poison in his food so he can die

He's been poisoned in the show already.

Put The Poison In A Krabby Patty

14 Pour Hydrochloric Acid on His Face and Feed Him Cyanide
15 Make Him Your Servant

That would be interesting. But I'd rather make him my slave because slaves are treated worse than servants.

NO! Especially if you love Plankton, you will be forced to be AGAINST him!

16 Get Plankton to Torture Him

You better believe it, TopTenJackson. I honestly with that Plankton killed that crab for taking his formula. Besides, it was Krabs who stole Sheldon's recipe when they were kids. And that's why he (Plankton) was trying to get it back from him (Mr. Krabs).

That will teach him a lesson after doing it to Plankton in One Coarse Meal.

17 Slice his Face off and Kick him Into a Volcano

Just like Sedullus' death in Spartacus, just with a volcano added

That would be AWESOME!

I second those.

18 Make Him a Slave

That's better than making him a servant because slaves are mistreated more than servants.

19 Have Him Babysit Caillou

He would probably choke the lights out of him...But please tell me this list exist because of Mr.Enter

I laughed so hard at this. Move it up, people!

Yes! That would be awesome!

20 Make Him Go On Encyclopedia Dramatica's Offended Page
21 Kill and Eat Him

Totally! Those are what he deserves for being a villain.

22 Send him to Davy Jones' Locker

That's the SpongeBob version of Hell, which is where Mr. Krabs belongs forever because of all the bad stuff he did.

The Flying Dutchman tried to send him there but Krabs cried like a baby and the Dutchman let him go just to shut him up if TFD put him in DJL I would give TFD a million jillion dollars

23 Send Him to Red Lobster, Boil Him, and Eat Him.

Seeing those things happen to him would warm my heart.

24 Ask Him What Happened to Pearl's Mom

I like this one a lot. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he adopted Pearl, I don't know why people act like it's a surprise.

25 Find a Way to Give Him HIV, Ebola, or Cancer

Like what Cartman did to Kyle once on South Park (with HIV)

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