Top Ten Best Things to Do With Your Best Friend

Based on personal experience. And also some are from kids in my class who are best friends but not with me... ANYWAYS! Cherish your best friends.
The Top Ten
1 Make up a hilarious inside joke and always use it at random moments

Mine and my best friend's is "Cheesecake! " Or "PEANUT BUTTER! "

We do this all the time with are rules to be a cannibal.

2 Tell the weirdest stories ever
3 Make fun of one another

Me. We always get in to fights but are still friends.

Me and my friends do this a lot.

4 Rename their contact to something stupid
5 Visit a local animal shelter
6 Watch a freaking movie
7 Tell the best jokes

"friends would help you after you fell. Best friends don't do anything but laugh"

8 Give fake threats when they make fun of you
9 Act like a weirdo
10 Prank everyone and everything
The Contenders
11 Beat the crap out of each other

Actually my friends love to do this we love wrestling on trampolines.

Who added this?! This is horrible! Only fake best friends do this!

It's what real friends do

12 Play video games together
13 Prank each other
14 Take a walk
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