Top Ten Best Things to Do with Your Homework

The Top Ten
1 Do it

This is the best option because you wont have the anxiety of the teacher remembering or checking the homework.

When you're done with it you can just get it over with!

2 Feed it to your dog

I do not agree. This thing should be considered the worst!

3 Pay someone to do it
4 Eat on it
5 Write song names all over it
6 Burn it

This should be done with this abomination.

7 Throw it away
8 Make some one else do it
9 Throw it out the window
10 Do half of it

I do the entire thing

The Contenders
11 Carefully contemplate it
12 Draw on it
13 Tear it
14 Pee on it
15 Scribble on it
16 Eat It
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