Top Ten Things that Every Child Should Hear from Their Parents

I'm quite suprised that no one has made such a list yet...
The Top Ten
1 “I love you.“

In my house it's like this half the time:
*my dad, giving us a long, boring lecture on what we did and how it was wrong*
Dad: now, you know I love you, and if I didn't I would let you do whatever you wanted. But because I love you, you have to keep (insert whatever here), or else all your (insert item here) will be thrown or given away.
*me wanting to be given one day where I can do whatever I want*

What everyone says. I knew this was 1 before I even looked at the list.

My parents say this only to do something bad too me later.-DarkBoi-X

Asian parents NEVER say this

2 “I'm proud of you.“

The first time I heard this was from my mother. Quite unsure what I'd done that was so right but it was lovely to hear.

Now if only my Asian parents would say this to me after I get a B+ on a test...

3 “I forgive you.“
4 “I am disappointed in you.“
5 “I'm sorry.“
6 “This is your responsibility.“

I hear this WAY too much

7 “You'll always be my baby boy/girl.“

That just makes me wanna leave more! Yeah, they care about you, seriously, I’m growing up!

8 “Never give up.“
9 “Follow your dreams.“
10 "You're so important."

My parents only really care about my sister. I could sit in my room for 10 days and no one would ever really notice anything.

The Contenders
11 "You don't have to have kids if you don't want to."
12 "You're not gonna die"
13 "Because i said so!"
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