Top 10 Things a Fan of TheTopTens Must Do

The Top Ten
1 Follow Admin

He's the creator of TheTopTens for crying out loud!

You must follow the admin.
I am a follower of admin.

2 Receive 10 votes within 1 fortnight after joining this site
3 Know about popular users like PositronWildhawk, Britgirl, Keyson, Britboy, Sevenlizards, Kiteretsunu, etc.

It's hard NOT to know about the famous two Brits: Britgirl and PositronWildhawk. Both awesome users who dominate this site and for good reason.

4 Gain 5 followers within 2 weeks after joining this website
5 Recommend the website to others
6 Visit daily

I certainly do this.

7 Follow popular users

This is what I do to popular followers. I just follow them.

8 Add a blog post
9 Read this list
10 Make a detailed description of yourself on your profile
The Contenders
11 Create an account

I have a list of very good reasons why.

Thanks for adding this no.11

12 When you visit a homepage, read their description fully
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