Things that Feel Good

The Top Ten
1 Orgasms

I'm schizophrenic, and if I think ANYTHING sexual, this happens to me. I don't like the way it feels if it gets TOO out of control, but I try to keep my thoughts clean. Although if I think about getting a hug or a kiss or, I literally feel it in my brain, which makes me feel it in my body, even though I have never felt sex before. It's the weirdest thing.

Before I clicked on the link to this page, I thought to myself: "lol, wouldn't it be funny if having an orgasm would be number one? ". But I was surprised when I saw it as no. 1 lol!

2 Sleeping

Sleeping is fun and good for you. And after a LONG day (or night) it feels real good to have a good rest

3 After Puking
4 After taking a #1
5 After taking a #2
6 Kissing

All you're doing is smashing lips together. Does it really feel that good?

7 Eating
8 Sitting Down After a Long Walk
9 Getting into the covers after being cold
10 Sex
The Contenders
11 Warm Showers in the Winter
12 Riding on Shotgun
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