Top 10 Things a Guy Shouldn't Tell His Girlfriend

The Top Ten
1 I got another girl pregnant

This would be horrible

2 How come you're not as hot as her?

That would be one way to break up

3 Is it in yet?
4 Can you crack my toes?

I threw up a little after reading this.

5 Babe, we are out of toilet paper! (when he is in the bathroom after using it)
6 Babe, I wish someone sexy would love me
7 You're not the one
8 Your sister is hotter

That was very mean for a man to say things like that to his girlfriend.

9 I'm only with you for the bedroom
10 I am leaving you for the dog

If a guy tells me that then he probably should get together with a b**** because I'm too expensive for cheap people. #SelfDefined

The Contenders
11 Your twin sister is hotter
12 I never had sex
13 You. Me. Sex. Now!

This is weird. Have sex after marriage not before!

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