Top Ten Things That Have Been Used As Money

Throughout history, people have traded with some useful, beautiful, or, on some occasions, decidedly odd things.
The Top Ten
1 Gold

The golden standard.

2 Paper

People traded paper?

3 Metal coins
4 Candy

In 2008, people in Buenos Aires actually used these in the place of coins.

5 Salt

Salt was once so rare in Europe that it was used to pay soldiers' wages ; that's where we got the word 'Salary' from.

Salt blew up back in the day and was very crucial in USA's growth!

6 Fish

In prisons, people have actually traded with these.

7 Shells

Sometimes used in Asia, Africa, and Europe many years ago.

8 Tea Bricks

Used in Asia. The value was decided by the quality of the local tea and the leaves used.

9 Bottle Caps
10 Rai Stones

Used on an island in Micronesia. These round limestone slabs had their own individual value, which is decided using the stone's history.

The Contenders
11 Crypto Currency
12 Livestock
13 Recipes

Used in China to trade for copper

14 Peppercorn
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