Top Ten Things to Judge People By

The Top Ten
1 Their Behavior Towards You

Who wants a friend that's horrible to them? I certainly don't!

2 Personality

Learn about someone's personality before you judge them.

3 Body Language

We communicate mostly through our bodies.

4 Interests

I don't want to be around someone who's intrests are murder and other criminal acts.

5 Their Behavior Towards Other People

One of my friends is mean to other people and I try my best to stay away from her but she sticks to me like superglue and I find it hard to say no to people. :(

6 Loyalty

Like in Warrior Cats. Loyalty is so important in the Warrior Code.

7 Sociability

Mainly comes under body language.

8 Appearance

Also comes under body language.

9 Music Tastes

Although I respect 99% of music fans, I would rather prefer to be around someone with similar music tastes than a belieber or directioner. However this isn't as important as the stuff above.

10 Intelligence

So, imagine standing by a bridge with a dumb person and a smart person.

Dumb person: Hey let's jump off this bridge!
Smart person: I think we should so something else, that seems a bit too risky.

Who would you choose to go with?

Intelligence is one of the main things which makes a person who they are.

The Contenders
11 How They Act
12 Job
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