Top Ten Things Justin Bieber Should Wear

The Top Ten
1 Diaper Bags

This list is just filled with so much maturity.

They would go great with his ugly face

2 Onesies
3 Makeup

He is ugly even if he actually does wear makeup

He will look worse with make up.

4 A Shirt With His Face On It

If anyone wears this then they will be cursed for eternity I dare you to do this without puking

5 Cardboard box

He will be embarressed forever and it will be on the news for 254274475776575747883 years

6 French Maid Outfit
7 Lipstick

He will look ugly, so yeah.

8 Handbags and Hairbows

Maybe Rarity will make him some of these as they fit his personality.

9 Earrings
10 A Rainbow Dash Shirt

They both brag and think they are the coolest things around, so I think Justin Bieber likes rainbow dash. Plus they both suck. Justin Bieber and rainbow dash are basically the same personality.

The Contenders
11 A Noose

I hate all of you

12 Paper Clothes
13 A Clown Costume
14 Leg Warmers

Leg warmers are totally rad. I love them! Justin Bieber shouldn't deserve to wear these amazing fashion accessories.

15 Preschooler Clothes
16 Socks with sandals
17 Dresses
18 Skirts
19 A Blood on the Dance Floor Shirt
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