Top 10 Things That Make a Plot Terrible

The Top Ten
1 Clichés

Some cliches are alright but o god some of those cliches make me cry

2 Plot holes

Actually, even good movies have these. Here are 2 examples:
-Star Wars: Why did Darth make a tiny hole where, if you shot, everything exploded?
-Citizen Kane: Nobody heard his final words, there was nobody in the room

3 Good at first but goes downhill
4 Sad then tries to be sad
5 Too fast/not progressing

Both parallel problems

6 Too unrealistic

If the genre is science fiction or fantasy, I don't mind anything being unrealistic.

7 There was an easy solution to the conflict but they didn't notice
8 Useless characters
9 Too much romance

Not as bad as too much ridiculous attempts to give the impression of romance. Twilight, anyone?

10 Plot suddenly changes
The Contenders
11 Butt jokes
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