Top Ten Things That Make You Feel Frustrated

The Top Ten
1 Misunderstanding

I know. I get misunderstood a lot and each time I want to throw something out a window (I have anger issues)

This is definitely number one for me, in School I don't understand something, I just try again.

2 Arguing With Stupid People

Person 1: You suck.
Person 2: Why, what did I do wrong?
Person 1: No, you just suck.
Person 2: Well tell me why!
Person 1: You suck just for saying that.

This doesn't exist, since you cannot argue with stupid people. You just can't.

This happens a lot.

3 Boredom
4 Annoying Noises

These bug me so much and the people doing do it just to make you mad and it works half the time! 1

5 Unexpected Insensitivity

It's so bad the hyper-sensitivity these days, grow up everybody!

The moral is simply this: don't be a jerk.

6 People Who Can't Accept You For Who You Are
7 Slow Internet
8 Stinginess
9 Rudeness
10 Wickedness
The Contenders
11 Great Lies
12 Indifference

Or when someone CLAIMS to be indifferent but they're not.

Kyle: What do you want to do today?
Stan: I don't know, I'm good with whatever.
Cartman: Okay, how about the movies?
Stan: No, movies these days suck, I don't want to see them.
Kenny: *mumbles*
Stan: Not the mall, they all just try to make money selling stupid things.
Kyle: Okay, what's YOUR suggestion?
Stan: I don't know, I'm good with whatever.

Taken (not word for word) from South Park. The whole episode is about people hating Stan. Share your opinion please when you're with friends!

Yes! Damn! You just want to shake the "I don't know", "I don't care" and the "whatever" out of them. Come on! You must have an opinion!

13 Blindness

There are none so blind as those who can't (or refuse to) see, especially what's right in front of them. Even truly blind people see.

14 Numbness

There was a time in my life where I'd felt no emotions at all. A time when all I did was stare at a clock, watching the second hand just tick over. It seemed to last for hours.

15 Different Opinions

No one is aloud to dislike ma precious Minecraft-kun! 1!

16 Police
17 Time Traveling on the TV Show Flash
18 Being Rushed
19 Waking Up Late in the Morning
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