Top 10 Things Metal Haters Say to Metal Fans

I'm not really a metalhead but I saw videos by Jared Dines and Stevie T where they acted out or read comments about bad things people say about metal.
The Top Ten
1 I can't stand the screaming vocals

I put this #1 because haters really hate the vocals so much. most say it sounds like they are burping, sound like the cookie monster or they that its not talent because everyone can scream.

2 Metal is just noise, not music

I've been told all of this items at least once (except for the nickelback one)

I think its because of the vocals, the drum fills and tempo.

3 Metal takes no talent

How about you try playing a guitar or drums like that!

4 Metal's not on the radio because it's not good and it's not music

That's not true. there were some metal songs on the radio before

5 Metal worships the devil
6 Metal band members looks like murderers

They may look like they're bad but trust me most metal bands are surprisingly nice

7 Metal musicians only write about blood, violence, suicide and murders.

Not so true but I get what they are saying

Most of it is dark.

8 Listen to real music like [insert artist]
9 Whoever listens to metal is going to hell

Only Fundamental Christians believe this.
The ones who believe in Creationism.

Then how does Christian metal exist?

10 The only metal band I listen too is Nickelback

Did anyone ever tell you any of the things on this list? The only one I've ever heard is the screaming vocals one.

Nah. I think we ALL know that the best metal band is; The Wiggles!

Nickelback ain't Metal.

Trust me its true

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