Top Ten Things More Likely to Kill You Than a Shark

The Top Ten
1 Falling Out of Bed

I have fallen out of bed several times while sleeping including a few bunk bed top bunks but luckily I'm ok.

That's why I sleep at the middle of the bed

Estimated at 750 people annually.

2 Vending Machine

Vending machines kill on average 13 people a year.

3 Cork

The cork in your champagne is more likely to kill you than a shark. 24 people a year die from these corks.

4 Being Left Handed

Over 2500 left handed people die from using products intended for right handed people.

Lucky me I'm not a lefty... though my dad is

I am left handed... Uh oh.

My mom is left handed :(

5 Icicles

Falling icicles on average kill 120 people a year.

6 Coconuts

Falling coconuts have accounted to 150 deaths annually.

It sounds a funny death, but it is unlucky and painful

7 Hot Dogs A hot dog is a cooked sausage, traditionally grilled or steamed and served in a sliced bun as a sandwich.

Poorly prepared hot dogs can claim 70 lives per year.

8 Yourself

Wow, this list is cruel

9 Domesticated Dogs

People's pet pooches kill up to 40 people a year.

10 Hippos The common hippopotamus, or hippo, is a large, mostly herbivorous mammal in sub-Saharan Africa, and one of only two extant species in the family Hippopotamidae, the other being the pygmy hippopotamus.

These beasts can kill up to 3000 people a year.

The Contenders
11 Water
12 Toasters

Can kill up to 700 people a year from sticking forks in them... Idiots.

Every year 700 stick forks into the toaster. That's a big coincicdence.

13 Lightning
14 Humans Humans (Homo sapiens) are the most abundant and widespread species of primate, characterized by bipedalism and large, complex brains. This has enabled the development of advanced tools, culture, and language. Humans are highly social and tend to live in complex social structures composed of many cooperating and competing groups, from families and kinship networks to political states. Social interactions between humans have established a wide variety of values, social norms, and rituals, which bolster human society. Curiosity and the human desire to understand and influence the environment and to explain and manipulate phenomena have motivated humanity's development of science, philosophy, mythology, more.

Well, I don't feel the need to explain

15 Guns
16 Fire
17 Big Cats

These kill 500-800 people per year and are the deadliest predators. Count sharks as 5.

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