Top 10 Things to Not Believe About Jesus Christ

Note: This list is not an attack on Jesus. I have nothing against the guy okay? It's fine if you're Christian but I'm just saying that these things people believe about him are most likely absurd.

Feel free to submit whatever item you want, and please don't start any fights with me.
The Top Ten
1 He Could Walk on Water

Atheist trolls.
He was supposed to be the son of God and he would have God powers.

You'd have to have superhuman speed to walk on water.

A lot of this stuff are true.

2 He Could Cure Lepers By Touching Them

If you touch a leper, would you get leprosy too?

He was the son of God, he had God-like powers.

3 He Hates Homosexuals

It's against Christians to be gay!

Nobody said that He Did.

4 He Was the Result of a Virgin Birth
5 He's Also God Himself

It's literally impossible for him to be God.
He couldn't pray to God when he was on earth.
He couldn't be in Heaven with God if they are the same person.
He shouldn't have allowed to have been crucified.
He shouldn't have created his traitor.
Only God knows the rapture date not the son.
It's just to answer why his mother was a virgin and give God a name because all the other religions have names for their Gods and Goddesses's.

6 He Was White

Being a Middle Eastern Jewish Man, He would have Had Arabic-like Features.

7 He Was Handsome
8 He Was Born on December 25

He has an unknown birthdate in Spring or Summer.
Saturnalia and Yule are the real December holidays.
Put Saturn back into December and Have A Cool Yule this December.

9 He Turned Wine into Water

PhoenixAura81 it was called a miracle, he is supposed to be the son of God.
God had made everything, and could do a global flood.
So Jesus had his fathers powers.

You's have to warp and control the molecules in wine to do something like that. Not even possible.

10 Three Magi Came to Visit Him as a Baby
The Contenders
11 He Will Come Back

Excuse me but...
I was eating.
I was on the toilet.
I was having a shower/bath.
I was getting dressed.
I was becoming an Atheist I had lost my patience and have got all these science books.

12 He Was Trying to Form a Religion
13 He Has a Magic Wand

You know for all the miracles on the list. The son of God who also has some powers.

14 He Can Do Miracles.
15 He Will Return to Earth Before the Day of Judgement to Restore Justice and to Defeat the Antichrist

But really Jesus was just coming back to see the people in Biblical times not nowadays.

16 He is Watching You Now
17 He Was Just a Man

This is just for the trolls who troll Christians who believe in Jesus doing miracles.

18 He Didn't Have the Powers of His Father
19 He is Ned Flanders
20 He Came on May 21st 2011
21 He Lives in Teletubbyland
22 He Lives in the Boohbah Zone
23 He Was Eaten by the Flying Spaghetti Monster
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