Top Ten Things Not to Say to Your Therapist

The Top Ten
1 "You are my least favorite voice that pops up in my head. Go away!"
2 "I'm a therapist too, except there's a space between the 'e' and 'r' in my name."

Ooh...this is clever!

3 "Lay on the couch, and close your eyes. I'll be the one asking the questions this time."
4 "You forgot to bring headphones? How am I the one who's crazy?"
5 "I didn't see any demons, until you walked in."

Ouch. That hurts.

6 "I found out that chicken soup is good for colds, but it is not good for drowning someone."
7 "I like collecting people's hair. I already have some of yours."
8 "Can I use your clipboard for a straight jacket?"
9 "The last time I saw someone with a body like yours, I had it stuffed in my basement."
10 "Please, bundle me up neatly on your couch with other things you want to get rid of."
The Contenders
11 "I want to die"

Even if you really don't mean it, they will definitely take it seriously. There is no doubt you will end up in a lockdown psychiactric hospital for a while

12 "Get a Life"
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