Top Ten Things People Do Before Going to School/Office

The Top Ten
1 Get ready in a hurry

I always take a long time to take a shower and get ready, and as a result I'm always late for school. I eat my breakfast in a hurry and then remember that I have not packed some books at night. As you see in Hollywood movies the hero wakes up late hearing the alarm clock and fixes himself a bowl of cereal. Every morning I am late and I'm in a hurry.

2 Eat breakfast

I eat a bowl of oats and have two slices of bread with butter before leaving for the bus stop.

3 Whine that they don't want to go

I used to wake up every morning and scream," I hate school" since I hated school. Many school students do not like waking up early in the morning and going to school. Even adults do not like waking up on a Monday morning and going for work. No one likes to wake up

4 Kiss their family members goodbye
5 Pack their belongings
6 Finish some work at the last minute
7 Have a bath

I never shower in the morning

8 Read the newspaper
9 Feed the dog
10 Wake up late
The Contenders
11 Fight their bullies
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