Top Ten Things People Say that are More Offensive Than They Sound

The Top Ten
1 Are you pregnant?
2 Did something happen to your face?
3 I think you ate too much.
4 What is 1+1?

It seems like you think the other person is stupid.

5 What are those?

Speaking of "What are those": Jake Paul and the other boys are laughing at the news reporters brown shoes, which was a very mean thing to say.

6 You're really dumb and fat and stupid, no offense.

Even if that person says "no offense" they are lying, whether face to face and/or behind your back.

7 How old are you?

I learned this the hard way when I asked my 7th grade teacher this

To an adult woman, I mean.

8 Are you a boy or a girl?
9 You need to see a doctor.
10 Do you got to school?
The Contenders
11 (item) is cancer
12 Do you speak English?
13 Bite me
14 Cracker
15 White trash
16 Go back to Africa!
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