Things that the Phantom of Darkness (Surround Productions) Does Not Do that Most YouTubers Do

What most YouTubers do that The Phantom of Darkness doesn't do.
The Top Ten
1 Fear Anything

What YouTuber, even Horror YouTuber, never shows fear

2 Ask for Likes, Comments, or Subscribes, Before the Actual Video

This is something interesting since he doesn't have many Subscribers and barely anyone knows who he is. Most New YouTubers around 60 or 70 Subs always DEMAND SUBS and do what's listed above. Funny thing, he was watching Shane Dawson's commercials video:

Shane: "Be sure to give this video a thumbs--
The Phantom: "That's it. I'm done! " (walks away)

3 Read Creepypasta
4 Go Out of His Way Just So He Doesn't Offend
5 He's Both the Protagonist and Antagonist
6 Go Out in a Storm
7 Talks Down to Popular YouTubers

Well, granted, in character, but he did a whole video laughing at Shane Dawson's Creepy Commercials video. After, he gave him some advice on how to be scarier.

8 Dresses Much More Drastic from Other YouTubers

He even wears a cape occasionally, which barely anyone does. He didn't take any advice from Edna Mode. But he also wears a mask, which once again, barely anyone does, at least fully.

9 Actually Scary
10 Ignore Fans
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