Top Ten Things Pokemon Fans Refuse to Understand When It Comes to the Pokemon Anime

The Top Ten
1 The Pokemon anime is an entirely different canon.

This. You can complain about how a character is different or doesn't appear in the anime, but it's not the same as the game. Only the fact that the protagonist, Ash, is a character that doesn't exist in the game - yes, he is modelled off of Red, but he ISN'T Red, should tell you that this isn't going to be like the game.

Lately I've been seeing a lot of people saying stuff like "WHERE'S NEBBY? ", "WHY DOESN'T LILLIE HAVE NEBBY? ", "I HATE ALOLAN VULPIX IT'S NOT NEBBY! ", "LILLIE ISN'T AFRAID OF TOUCHING POKEMON IN THE GAMES, THIS IS STUPID! " on a constant basis and like...the Pokemon anime NEVER followed the game's story line and how they handled characters. They always done their own thing. Why? IT'S A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CANON.

Like how do people watch the Pokemon anime for so many years and still can't comprehend this?

I know the anime has many dumb moments, but it's still a different canon.

If ash is in the anime have ash in the games and switch vulpix with nebby

2 Ash has to fit the long running Shonen status quo. Which is why he is still the protagonist.

As much as I would have loved a protagonist switch after Johto, I know it's never happening lol, there's no point in getting all pissed over the fact that he's still the protagonist.

As much as you hate him and want him to go, he will never leave the anime. Ash is here to stay solely because of the status quo.

3 Levels are irrelevant in the Pokemon anime.

Applying game logic to the anime and talking about how Ash's Pikachu should be level 100 and beat everything, etc etc.

And before you go "Well they did mention that levels are in the anime." They did...IN SEASON 1. They never stayed consistent with levels and never cared to even use them properly. So stop trying to make sense of things by using game logic and levels, you will end up flustered and annoyed. It's not worth it.

4 The anime will always have new companions and protagonists in every series. (Except Ash of course)

Every companion leaves at some point. There will always be new companions. The fact that people thought that Serena would stay in the anime because of her infatuation is illogical. She doesn't get special treatment. The only companion that stayed for a long time was Brock. And after Brock, we won't have the same companions stay in the show more than one series.

And a character being obsessed with another isn't a proof that she'll stay. You know who I'm talking about.

Did you guys ever hear sun and moon will bring back old characters (yay)

Serena and misty aren't coming back. End of discussion.

5 The anime counterparts of characters will never 100% follow their game counterparts when it comes to personality and character development.

The fact that people are pissed that Lillie is not like her game counterpart is illogical and makes no sense. The companions NEVER followed their in game counterpart.

In game Misty wasn't a stubborn and aggressive girl who would hit people
In game Brock wasn't a pervert for comedic relief.
In game May didn't hate Pokemon in the beginning and she could be considered Professor Birch's child instead of Norman's if you believe that Brendan is canon.
In game Max was a generic character sprite with no personality and character to him
In game Dawn was a generic character that didn't have much of a personality.
In game Iris evolved her Axew and was a dragon master.
In game Cilan...well...didn't always talk about food 24/7?
In game Serena wasn't infatuated with a boy she met once 5 years ago and she used mega evolution
In game Clemont didn't have much of a personality
In game Bonnie... well, she's very similar to anime Bonnie but not entirely.
In game Lana, ...more

And this proved to be a good thing with Lysander. Also, ash, Red's counterpart, actually talks!

6 Pikachu isn't invincible because Ash and Pikachu need to struggle every now and then in order to have obstacles to overcome.

This isn't One Punch Man people. If Pikachu destroyed everything in his path, the battles will get too boring and predictable. Look at Alain and his Charizard, he only lost twice in the entire anime and hardly ever struggled when he used Charizard. You knew Alain will win, he was predictable. And I honestly found it boring after a while. But that might be my own personal bias.

This. Yes, he shouldn't lose to like a Magikarp, but he can't beat everything. It's a downside of keeping the same protagonist for too long, I know.

7 The anime doesn't follow in game battle mechanics.

I will never understand people who complain about a trainer telling their Pokemon to dodge or combined moves (except Thunder Armor - if only because Flying types are supposed to be weak to Electric) anime battles are real time based battles, so orders like dodging and combining two compatible attacks aren't illegitimate. Stop.

This should be obvious because of how the battles in the anime are real time based, not turned based. So yeah, because of that, it will be vastly different. Even if the battles in the anime can be utter bullcrap at times, it's still a completely different way to battle.

So yeah, comparing a turned based battle mechanic to a real time based one makes no sense.

8 Shipping, especially AshxMain Girl ships, will never be canon.

THANK YOU! Why won't some people understand that Ash is NOT interested in romance?! These people are just sad. Forced romance isn't everything.

Sorry Amourshippers. One of the directors said he "hopes that Serena and Ash would be a couple". It was never said that the WILL be a couple. Stop taking everything out of context.

Ash doesn't need a girlfriend; he's happy enough as a Pokemon trainer. And besides, that kid is an oblivious idiot. He'll never take a hint.

I ship ash with main girls for fun. I'm not going to be some salty elitist like some of other people.

9 Serena is gone and will never be a female companion after XYZ.

She may come back eventually, for a few episodes, but she's never going to be a permanent companion again. And her having a crush doesn't mean she will travel with him to the end of time.

And it's good that she left. She got over her obsession. If she comes back, I would like to see how she's grown. Also, please give her some powerhouses. She's the only female character who doesn't have st least one good pokemon. Even bonnie had Squishy! Thanks a lot, writers!

For christ sakes, let her live outside of her Ash fantasy land. She chose to leave Ash behind to get into contests.

10 Brock and Misty are never coming back.

Wow! I learned a lot from this list! Even though I only watched season 1 on YouTube (lol) and don't play the games, I thought the anime series closey followed the games. Turns out it doesn't. This is a great list!

For cameos only, they're never going to be permanent companions again either.

I miss them so much (cries). But I love the newer characters too

Oh no! You just woke up the gennwunners! DECIDUEYE! PLEASE LOCK THE DOORS!

The Contenders
11 Ash and Serena won't get married

Not only is Ash not interested in romance, but how forced and onesided that ship is shows clearly that they will NEVER be canon.

This is a good thing

12 It's a kid's show

So apparently kids are incapable of appreciating any form of consistent plot progression and character growth. That's where they are wrong.
Ok we get it. It's a kid show. But just because it's a kid's show doesn't mean the anime should be terribly written with the repetitive status quo that has been going in the anime.
Shows like Digimon and ATLA disproves this excuse.

13 The Manga is better.

Heck yeah it is. Who would say it is not? It's so good Taijiri actually said this is the closest thing he's ever imagined about the Pokemon world. I think I consider the manga the true canon.

More of a subjective perspective. But I'll agree with that.

14 Ash will never win a Pokemon League.

He won the Alolan League, and, way back then, the Orange Island's too. And they're not "downgraded" leagues - both are canon to the anime canon, even if they work a bit differently than the other leagues. Though, they won't let him achieve his goal until the anime reaches its end - in a long, long, distant future.

I don't mind Ash losing, but he was ORIGINALLY PLANNED to win the Kalos League, but the writers changed it up and made Ash lose. So, technically, it's the writers who never makes Ash win a league.

15 Misty and Ash are never gonna get married or date

I support Pokeshipping why I will never change my Fanfictions just because someone doesn't think Ash will ever marry Misty. Think about this it's a kids show I respect your opinion but I wouldn't write about Ash staying 10.

Same as the Serena item. Onesided, abusive, and even Misty's forced hints aren't even present in her most recent appearances (or might be because I watched her recent appearances in sub? Lol), this will simply never be canon, just like Serena or any other Ash ship. People not being interested in romance is ok. FFS.

Misty will guarantee they will.

16 Non evolved Pokemon aren't automatically weak

It shouldn't matter if Ash or the other characters don't fully evolve all of their Pokemon. The anime has shown time and time again that any Pokemon has potential to be powerful. It depends on how they are trained, not if they are evolved or not. This is easier considering this is the anime canon, not the game canon.

It doesn't mean a Magikarp can beat a Gyarados - it means that Ash not forcing his Pokemon to evolve doesn't make him weaker than others. Evolved Pokemon have weaknesses just as non evolved Pokemon do. And, honestly, looking back at how it ended, I wish Turtwig never evolved.

Ash's Turtwig was much stronger than Torterra.

Still not an excuse for broken power scaling

17 XYZ had better animation than Sun and Moon

This is the equivalent of using big words without knowing the meaning, because you obviously mean the ART STYLE. Unless you've 1/ only watched important XYZ battles where the animation wasn't stiff, or 2/ you genuinely think stiff animation is better. Either way, lol. What they don't seem to accept is that S/M ANIMATION isn't bad, it's MORE FLUID THAN XYZ'S! Oh, and that it has a better story, better characters and darker elements, but that's another debate, I'm only bringing it up because people love to bash on S/M anime with no other argument than "animation-when-in-reality-I-mean-art-style and know nothing about the story or the characters aside from the bare minimum".

A subjective perspective. Besides, you are probably talking about the artstyle, which is different.

18 Snorlax is the most powerful Pokemon in the anime

He learned six moves SIX MOVES!

19 PokéTuber’s anime theories and what-ifs aren’t canon

What part of "what if" is so hard to understand?

Serena fans never learn

20 Nothing ever changes
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