Top 10 Things That Ruined the List of ''Top 10 Episodes That Would Be Created If TheTopTens Was a TV Show''

The idea is good, but tons of things ruined the list
The Top Ten
1 ''Puga Abuse'' ideas

Those ideas are so offensive and mean. I mean, it's not even funny. I'm glad it got removed of the list

I literally just read that list...

Leave the little doggy boi alone! - IceBearRules

Barneythedinosaurrocks re added them

2 Lame spin-off of TV shows

Let me guess what's next, an idiotic crossover with Robot Chicken?

Like the "epicjake and the explorer" or "puga train" idea. It sucks!

3 Gross ideas

Yeah, there are some bad gross ideas on there and people who put gross comments on perfectly fine ideas!

Like the "way different" idea can be related to "different ways" or the "Turkeyasylum licks his toes"

4 The idea where the plot is a bit obvious
5 Ideas with no plot

I had good intentions for this list, not the idea of licking my own toes!

Like the "Turkeyasylum lick his toes". Really, 1 hour of someone licking his toes?

6 (Insert user of TheTopTens) goes to (insert fast-food here)

We don't need full episodes of TopTenners going to fast-food restaurants!

What's this Dipper Goes to Taco Bell thing?
I have a feeling it's not pretty.

By far the most disturbing ones! Ugh... Just... Ugh!

I WANT THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME! I LOVE FAST FOOD! But why are you all scared of This idea? Are you scared of fast food? CHICKEN! Mmmm... Chicken... ~Drippy

7 Ideas inspired by fights

Like the "Puga and SevenLizard becomes best friends" idea go inspired from that fight

8 Ideas inspired by lame ideas from other lists

"Keyson watches Dinosaur Train" got inspired of "SpongeBob watches The Hills Have Eyes" from the list of "top 10 ideas for season 10 of SpongeBob SquarePants"

9 Ideas that are offensive to other users

"Turkeyasylum Gets Killed" and "Nintendofan126 dies" are really offensive because the person who added it wanted their death

10 Turkeyasylum and (Insert User) Break Up

There are two of them, and they both suck. I don't want to date on this website.

The Contenders
11 Too many things related to Puga

Like those "Puga Abuse" ideas. If someone is so obssesed with him, MAKE A T.V. SHOW ABUT HIM!

12 The Different Ways
13 Spongebob-related ideas
14 RiverClanRocks Modern Life

I am never going to let that go am I?

15 Trolls
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