Top Ten Things to Say If Someone Knows Your Secret and You Don't Want Them to Tell It to Anyone Else

The Top Ten
1 If you say my secret to everyone you gonna win a knife and I will stab you.
2 Don't say it please. I will give you a millions of food if you didn't say it.
3 Did you know I'm evil?
4 If you say my secrets, I'm gonna call the police.
5 Say what you want, I just think that they won't believe you.
6 They will laugh at you.
7 Please sleep.
8 I love you, please don't say my secrets.
9 How did you know?
10 I gonna drink bleach now.
The Contenders
11 Say you’ll delete their Fortnite account
12 You can say whatever you want, but then you will become the next target.
13 You know if you tell my secret so many consequences will happen
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