Top Ten Things to Say That Will Get a Sarcastic Remark

The words in parentheses are your friend's respond or reply.
The Top Ten
1 1+1= 2 (you don't say)
2 Humans and animals have skeleton (No, really?!)
3 It's possible to get killed (No, you don't say)
4 You can spend money on clothes, foods, and many other stuffs (Thanks Captain Obvious)
5 Did you know that there is a popular video game mascot named Mario? (Wow, I didn't know that)
6 In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you can have $50 million and a rocket launcher in your pocket - (Wow, this make sense)
7 Do we live on Earth? (No, we live on Mars)
8 In English class, are we going to learn English? (No, we're going to learn Chinese)
9 Humans actually exist (You don't say)
10 I met all famous celebrities around the world (Yeah, right)

Unless the person lives in New York or Los Angeles, where celebrities are just walking around like regular people, because that is where they live. You can see them at the supermarket, shopping mall, the beach, or even at the movies. No big deal.

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