Top Ten Best Things to See Randomly In Your Day

Not everyday we get to see some of these things, but they're really nice to see.
The Top Ten
1 Someone You Love

Who doesn't love the feeling of seeing a loved one.

2 A Nice Note Written To You

Most people don't get a nice note written to them everyday so this would feel wonderful.

I love receiving these...

3 A Love Interest/Spouse/Someone You're Dating

Especially if you don't see them everyday.

4 Random Money

I know most of this was about seeing kind stuff, but still who didn't love randomly finding money.

5 Someone You Miss
6 A Good Morning Text

That's so sweet. You were the first person they thought of that morning.

7 A Message From Someone You Thought Forgot About You

I got one of these the other day and it was really nice.

I eye PositronWildhawk for that one...

I'm really sorry I forgot to message back after all this time.

8 Happy News

Who doesn't like seeing happy news?

9 A Nice Surprise

Maybe someone was planning out something for you the whole day.

10 Happy People

I really feel good when I'm surrounded by happy people. Happiness is contagious and I love it. Great list!

I like seeing others happy.

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